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By Cynthia Catanzaro



In ten years, I would like to be an office manager for a company that stands for something, wheather it be with a non-profit organization, a state or city position or even a corporation. When it comes to where the job is located, I prefer it to be within thirty minutes of where I live. At the age I will be at this goal the job that I have has to be one that I love so when I retire I know that it was the right job for me.



My five-year goal I would like to be an executive assistant. The job would have to be within a thirty-minute drive from where I live in the city of New Britain. My position would have to consist of a variety of different jobs, so I can gain experience and knowledge of being able achieve decision and obtaining goal-oriented experience for future goals. Wheather it be a higher position in the current company that I am working for, or for another company with a different position entirely.



 To achieve my goals for a five or even a ten-year goal, I need to set the following short-term goals.

  • Graduate college with a B.A. in administration
  • Make sure all student loans are paid off and the I am financially secure to start a new position if my salary is lower than the previous job that I am in now, so that I can work my way up to the position that I want.
  • Go on as many interviews to achieve my dream job.
  • To gain as much knowledge and experience that I can bring to my new position.

 Currently working towards achieving my Associate degree in Office Technology. Paying down my student loans before I graduate. When the next journey of getting my bachelor’s in business administration my loan won’t be so high. Also, to start applying for job’s in the field that I am studying for.


Knowing that I have reached these goals when I graduate with an Associate degree in Office Technology, student loans are being paid off. Working my present job as an administrative assistant to receive the practice and knowledge so that I can apply them to future jobs in this field to achieve my goal as office manager.


Resources that I need to reach my goals would be to make sure that my resume is up date, all my resources such as LinkedIn, Indeed and any other social media that should be updated and are able to be viewed by all prospective prospects.


 My priorities for reaching my goals are making sure that I graduate, so that I can further my schooling and any job opportunities that come by my way. Trading off all social activities so I can study and be the best that I can be to reach my goal.

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