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Composition II is a challenging class that focuses on the methods of research, analysis and writing for an academic audience. This semster my Professor gave us three main research questions to choose from to narrow our research. This semester I focused on the question "What is the best way to design urban spaces to enhance the quality of life?"

The course evaluates students on these certain abilities:

1.Completes college-level research tasks, demonstrating proficient use of online, database, and library facilities

2.Writes articulate arguments with increasingly sophisticated claims using authoritative, documented evidence, and appeals

3.Applies advanced methods of evaluation and critical inquiry to college-level writing assignments


This section of my eportfolio includes my two research papers from this semester that demonstrates my ability to complete college-level research tasks, I provide both secondary and primary sources in both papers.  I supply  sophisticated claims using my cited evidence, and I apply the methods of critical inquiry that I have learned in class through out the semster.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.