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BA Program Ability #1 - An understanding of the role of accounting and finance in the management of a business enterprise.


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The following case was given as a project in my Principles of Managerial Accounting class from our fourteenth edition book Managerial Accounting by Garrison, Noreen, Brewer. The problem can be found beginning page 381 as Case 8-29 Master Budget with Supporting Schedules.


A brief description will be provided as the actual problem in the link below:

Master Budget problem Case 8-29.docx


The results of my effort can be found in the following link to Excel:

Manag Acct Master Budg Proj case 8-29.xls


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Why did I choose this as evidence of my understanding of these topics in the management of a business enterprise?

My accounting and finance classes began an unexpected spark of interest in the world of numbers. Unfortunately only one class really provided an assignment that I could share. The others classes had tests, or more importantly, great discussions that made the material sink into real world events- like the topics of stock and housing markets.

Luckily creating a Master Budget was an interesting assignment that  required me to understand several concepts in relation to budgeting- most of which are the corrrect use of mathematical procedures- and how an accurate assesment can help or hurt management decisions.

»Liabilities + Owners Equity = Assets«

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